Cycling The Globe

A Cycle Touring Expedition Around The World

Author Archive

Interview for “A Foreign Sight”

Posted by Thomas Andersen Posted on Mar - 23 - 2018

My friend and talented filmmaker Ricardo has been working on a project called A Foreign Sight creating short story-telling videos about people he encounters on his way. One of them happened to be me… Check out the full interview where I talk about the joys and challenges of cycling around the world on or  [ Read More ]

Categories: Colombia

The Book is Ready!

Posted by Thomas Andersen Posted on Feb - 22 - 2018

Dear reader, It took a while, but my book “He Who Cycled – A Ride to the End of the World and Back” is now available! If you are interested – get a copy at: Best wishes, Thomas

Categories: Photobanner

A Christmas Message

Posted by Thomas Andersen Posted on Dec - 25 - 2017

Dear followers of Cycling The Globe. This blog has been quiet for a while, so I thought Christmas would be a good opportunity to send out a sign of life. 2017 has been a different year compared to the prior 6 years of cycling around the world. There has certainly been less hours spent in  [ Read More ]

Categories: Colombia

6 Months After the Arrival in Copenhagen…

Posted by Thomas Andersen Posted on Apr - 25 - 2017

It has now been 6 months and a few days since I arrived back in Copenhagen by bicycle after 2200 days on the road. Physically, life without the bike has obviously been more predictable and less nomadic. People have asked if it was an anti-climax to finish. I wouldn’t really say so. This physical adventure  [ Read More ]

Categories: Denmark

37 Special Places and Moments from Cycling Around the World

Posted by Thomas Andersen Posted on Mar - 13 - 2017

It took me six years to cycle around the world. Every day I would take at least one photo with my trusty Canon camera. This is a selection of 37 special places and moments I captured along the way. #1 Wroclaw Bridge   It’s a tradition that young couples put a lock on this bridge  [ Read More ]

Categories: Overview

Day 2200, Holbæk – Copenhagen, Denmark: The End… And a New Beginning

Posted by Thomas Andersen Posted on Jan - 26 - 2017

Distance: 57.4 km Ride time: 3:40:14 Average: 15.7 km/h Max speed: 35.3 km/h Total: 58201 km Day 2200 on the road, 6 years and 8 days since I left Copenhagen with the idea of cycling around the world, and now I was about to finish it all. My first thought as I started to pack  [ Read More ]

Categories: Denmark

Day 2199, Horsens – Holbæk: Danish Island Hopping

Posted by Thomas Andersen Posted on Jan - 25 - 2017

Distance: 90.2 km Ride time: 5:18:11 Average: 17.0 km/h Max speed: 38.9 km/h Total: 58143 km The program at the Cycling The Globe office is a rather intense one these days. Yesterday I had arrived just in time for a nice home cooked dinner at my dads house, and then I was so tired that  [ Read More ]

Categories: Denmark

Day 2198, Kruså – Horsens, Denmark: Home Sweet Home

Posted by Thomas Andersen Posted on Jan - 25 - 2017

Distance: 125.9 km Ride time: 8:10:17 Average: 15.4 km/h Max speed: 38.2 km/h Total: 58052 km It felt pretty surreal, waking up in my tent on Danish soil and start to cycle through the familiar landscape of fiords, small cities, and rolling country side. With an average temperature of 6°C and strong winds I thought  [ Read More ]

Categories: Denmark

Day 2197, Neumünster – Kruså, Denmark! A Border Crossing Like No Other

Posted by Thomas Andersen Posted on Jan - 24 - 2017

Distance: 124.4 km Ride time: 7:09:53 Average: 17.4 km/h Max speed: 35.3 km/h Total: 57926 km The temperature was 2°C as I packed my tent and started cycling into the steady head wind coming from the north – nature is still throwing challenges at me, but with the prospect of crossing the Danish border later  [ Read More ]

Categories: Denmark, Germany

Day 2196, Stemmen – Neumünster, Germany: Surreal Thoughts

Posted by Thomas Andersen Posted on Jan - 24 - 2017

Distance: 113.4 km Ride time: 6:53:53 Average: 16.4 km/h Max speed: 30.2 km/h Total: 57802 km The morning was considerably more sunny than what I have experienced lately as I made my way towards Hamburg. Now, nothing comes for free, and I was paying for the sunshine in terms of a strong head wind, bringing  [ Read More ]

Categories: Germany