Cycling The Globe

A Cycle Touring Expedition Around The World

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Day 274: Darwin River – Hayes Creek

Posted by Thomas Andersen Posted on Aug - 21 - 2011

Distance: 120.78 km
Ridetime: 06:53:14
Average: 17.5 km/h
Total distance: 13068 km

I have not been sleeping in my tent for the longest time (Asia is too crowded) and I have been missing it. Waking up to the sound of birds with the first rays of sunshine is wonderful. It took a while to pack the camp down and get going in the morning. I’m expecting to get quicker at those daily tasks as I’m getting used to the new Australian outback lifestyle.

After an hour on the road I met Nancy and Dave from – a US/Australian cycle couple who started their trip in Sydney and are going to Asia next. It always feels great to meet other cyclists on the road. Nancy and Dave talked about the great head winds they had enjoyed pretty much all the way from Sydney. Somewhat bad news for me since I will have to fight the same wind in the opposite direction.

At 17.5 km/h average speed it was indeed a very slow day. So far I don’t really care because everything about cycling here is so new and exciting. However, if there is something that can break a cyclist’s spirit it is a head wind that lasts for weeks. We will see…

Yesterday I had already spotted my first kangaroos. Unfortunately they were not alive. Road kill quickly becomes an integrated part of cycling on Stuart Highway. Today I was absolutely thrilled to spot my first kangaroo alive. I had just stopped for a bit of water when I heard a noise from the bush. As I looked up a big kangaroo effortlessly jumped into the woods. Amazing sight.

Another thing to get used to are the huge road trains. Measuring up to 53 meters in length and weighting 120 tons they are true monsters. There are rumours that road trains can force a cyclist off and suck the bike under it. That might be another Australian exaggeration. As the road is wide and there is little traffic there is usually enough space for everyone.

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7 Responses so far.

  1. Mor says:

    Ih, Thomas, hvor er jeg glad for at jeg først læser dette efter, at det er overstået!!!

  2. Thomas says:

    Jo.. hvis det er nogen trøst vil jeg dog sige at trafikken i Indien er 100 gange værre end Australien, selv om man inkluderer er par road trains.

  3. Hej Thomas. Jeg havde jo besøg af din far i går. Vi holdt surprice party for mor og far – 40 års bryllupsdag er jo alligevel en slags bedrift….

    – og Johs talte om netop dette billede – hvis det på facebook var muligt, tror jeg bestemt, at han ville stemme “Synes slet ikke godt om”. Håber at alt er vel “down under”. –
    Mvh. Kristian

    – P.S har oplyst din far om følgende: Du er skrevet ind i årsplanen på Vittrup Efterskole til at holde foredrag i løbet af dette skoleår. – Nu ved du det så også…. – Vi glæder os!!! – og så har du jo et job, når du kommer hjem, og det tror jeg da også vil glæde din far…

  4. Thomas says:

    Hej Kristian!

    Dejligt at høre lidt nyt hjemmefra. Og jo tak, alt vel her Down Under. Lige nu holder jeg pause fra cyklingen mens jeg arbejder. Regner med at starte op igen om en måneds tid for den sidste bette tur (3500 km) ned til Sydney.

    Det lyder sørme spændende med mit nye job. Jeg glæder mig også, men det kræver vel at jeg rent faktisk komme tilbage til Danmark i dette skoleår. Vi må se…

    En stor hilsen til hele familien i Nordjylland!


  5. Lars says:

    Hej Thomas.
    Måske du kunnen fortælle lidt om hvor du har kørt radio fra ?
    NielsBo skrej helt vildt da vi kom i kontakt med dig i sac-testen, vi var ou2j. Jeg fik næsten ondt i venstre øre…
    vy 73 og god vind.
    oz1fjb Lars

  6. Lars says:

    rettelse, det var fra ou2r…edr Ringsted, /a i køge…

  7. Thomas says:

    Hej Lars! Mange tak for QSO i SAC CW. OU2R var den eneste dansker jeg fik kørt, så jeg var også glad. Var aktiv fra VK8GM Greg’s QTH i Alice Springs. 9 elm logperiodic og 400 W. På genhør i SAC SSB?