Cycling The Globe

A Cycle Touring Expedition Around The World

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Day 1776: Long Island, New York

Posted by Thomas Andersen Posted on Oct - 11 - 2015

After making a lot of progress on the bike lately, I was looking forward to a rest day in New York. Not that rest days mean doing nothing for the whole day; my host Steve had already planned a dinner with a number of the local radio people for the night, and we spent the morning driving out to the Fire Island light house not far from Steve’s house.

It was a beautiful day with bright sunshine at the beaches of Long Island. I left the Atlantic coast near Myrtle Beach in South Carolina. Now I was finally back in the salty air – places like this makes me feel at home.

It’s interesting to think that the beaches out here will be covered with snow in a few months. For now the place still has a summer holiday feeling to it, even though most people are back at work.

After the great walk at the beach we were driving over to Garden City where Steve had arranged a dinner with a number of the local radio people. The restaurant was buffet style – and I made sure to take advantage and load up on everything. A lot of good stories were exchanged, and I even got a couple of nice presents. Among them a hand full of postcards with stamps and everything, ready to send back to my family in Copenhagen. Thanks for showing up, I enjoyed the dinner!

Also a sincere thanks to Steve for being such a great host. Meeting people like this is really the best part of the whole trip.

Categories: USA
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One Response so far.

  1. Long Island is one of those places I’ve never actually got to, yet. Next time!