Distance: 111.9 km
Ride time: 6:09:24
Average: 18.2 km/h
Max speed: 60.1 km/h
Total: 42876 km
I had heard good things about Newfoundland – the people here are supposed to be even friendlier than the Nova Scotians – which tells quite a lot! I got the first glimpse of the island from the deck of the ferry as we arrived in Port aux Basques at sunrise.
After leaving the ferry I said goodbye to Dan who was going to stay a couple of days in Port aux Basques. I was eager to get going as my flight from St. John’s back to Europe leaves in only two weeks. This is certainly the last chapter of North America for me.
The fog, the rolling and rocky hills as well as the wooden houses all reminded me of being back in Norway or the Faroe Islands. I felt like being home, up here in the North Atlantic.
The island of Newfoundland is very remote, so I went to a supermarket to stock up on food before I joined the Trans Canada Highway. 900 km to St. John’s and the end of the road!
I will describe cycling on Newfoundland as hilly and windy. Luckily the rewards are certainly there in terms of the views – this place is rough and beautiful! I hope to get the chance to see the famous Newfoundland moose before I leave.
Finding a camp site was once again an easy task. As I put up my tent, the rain started to fall – something to get used to on Newfoundland I guess.
Wow. What a wonderfully scenic place!