Cycling The Globe

A Cycle Touring Expedition Around The World

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Day 140-142: Rajahmundry

Posted by Thomas Andersen Posted on Mar - 02 - 2011

After more than a month without any stomach issues my time had come. As I eat almost the same every day I must have been unlucky with one of those small road side restaurants.

Wise from experience from my last trip to India I knew that it would probably take 3 days before I could cycle again. Luckily I had found a nice hotel room with cable TV showing international movies. Not a bad place to be stuck a few days after all.

On the 2nd day I got myself out of bed and into the street. I was very much surprised to be in the middle of a major rain shower! At first I wasn’t sure if I was dreaming as it has been two months since I have seen even a cloud on the sky. As I got back to my room with a wet T-shirt it all seemed real enough.

After 3 days the stomach is now back in shape. Can’t wait to be cycling again.

Categories: India
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