Distance: 28.06 km
Ridetime: 01:23:43
Average: 20.1 km/h
Total distance: 6715 km
Including a rest day in Bhubaneswar tomorrow I only have five days left in India before I catch a flight to Thailand.
Bhubaneswar is the capital city of Orissa, but with only 1 million inhabitants certainly not a big city by Indian standards. I found it to be a pleasant place with broad boulevards and many parks. The price level has increased though. Internet now costs 30 rupees per hour. In the smaller cities the usual price is half of that.
When I entered the city I had spotted a Pizza Hut. Having spent the last month in small places I haven’t seen a single western chain for a very long time. The chicken pizza was good. On the way back to the hotel I bought a dessert. It came in this package.
Tomorrow I’m planning a bus trip to the Sun Temple of Konark.