Distance: 82.39 km
Ridetime: 03:26:18
Average: 24.0 km/h
Total distance: 9030 km
After almost a week without cycling it was good to be back on the road. There were still some water fighting going on, but today it seemed like the gangs were mostly fighting each other and letting the civilians go. I did get wet a couple of times, but as I was cycling and it was a hot day (as usual) that was only a nice thing.
On the way to Ko Lanta I broke my gear cable for the second time. Luckily I’m carrying a spare. With some improvisation I was able to install it at the road side. My bike repairing skills are improving!
A took the ferry out to the island of Ko Lanta. The place seems very quiet as most tourists left after the heavy rain storms a couple of weeks ago. I found a cool hippie/reggae camp at the beach. If you are stressed and want to do absolutely nothing for a couple of days, this would be a good place to do it.
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