Cycling The Globe

A Cycle Touring Expedition Around The World

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Day 1399 – 1403: Oruro Office

Posted by Thomas Andersen Posted on Jul - 20 - 2014

After spending a month in very rural parts of Argentina and Bolivia I was now in a big city again (Oruro, population 250.000). I liked it! Plenty of restaurants and even a cafe at the central square where you could enjoy a cappuccino.

Travelling in Bolivia provides some very good value for money. You could go to the market where it is entirely possible to have a lunch or dinner for a dollar. Then there are restaurants with 3 course lunch deals for 3-4 dollars. Some of them are really fancy places where the waiters wear ties and everything. What is not to love?

My hotel was a good deal as well. The internet was reasonably fast (although not fast enough to stream Tour de France) but my room didn’t have a window. After a month in the middle of nowhere I had plenty of office work to do; emails needed to be answered, bills payed, and blog posts written. I ended up spending a lot of time in my dark hotel room in front of my laptop, not really knowing if it was day or night outside. Oh well, I guess I get plenty of sunshine on normal days while out cycling.

One day I was doing an interview over at Reddit that attracted quite a bit of attention. One thing lead to another, and soon I was also giving an interview to a Norwegian newspaper. I wouldn’t say I have much desire to be famous, but I must admit I somewhat liked to end up next to Chris Froome on the front page 🙂

After five days of office work I was more than ready to hit the road again. Next stop La Paz!

Categories: Bolivia
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2 Responses so far.

  1. Eivind Graversen says:

    ‘Big in Norway’:)

    Mye høstregn i Sveits, så da har jeg tid til å lese meg opp på bloggen din. God tur videre!


  2. Hei Eivind. Nu ved jeg ikke hvor stor “ABC Nyheter” er i Norge, men jeg synes selv det blev en god historie 🙂 Godt at hoere at du stadig foelger med. Hilsen fra Ecuador!