Cycling The Globe

A Cycle Touring Expedition Around The World

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Day 1483 – 1484: Stuck in La Joya

Posted by Thomas Andersen Posted on Oct - 06 - 2014

After the long break in and around Arequipa my legs were itching to get going, but the rest of the body just wasn’t ready. In retrospect that hangover cycling yesterday probably wasn’t a good idea. Lesson learned; always listen to the body.

Instead I was spending two days in bed. Sleeping something like 20 hours a day, I was hit by some combination of fewer and coughing. After 24 hours the good thing was that the thing started to go away just as fast as it had come. I was even able to leave my room and go and get a little food.

I often tell other travellers that the best thing about cycling is that you end up in local villages were no other tourists would go. That is still a valid point, as long as you actually want to be there, but when you are stuck in one of these random places you really only want to continue.

Tomorrow I should be fit for fight again.

Categories: Peru
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