Distance: 98.24 km
Ride time: 5:27:39
Average: 17.92 km/h
Max speed: 52.35 km/h
Total: 32928 km
I woke up to a clear and peaceful morning in the friendly village of Rosas. A gaucho was preparing his horse for today’s work as I had my morning coffee and chatted with a few more locals.
Even in a peaceful village like this the military has a strong presence. I tried to sneak in a photo of the machine guns and sand barricades but I don’t know if you can see much. The FARC is still strong in this part of Colombia so the military presence very much makes sense – even though, on a peaceful morning like this they seem somehow out of place.
Back on the road the climbing continued as I’m making my way towards Cali. I’m really in need of a break by now. If all goes according to plan I should arrive tomorrow.
I have now left the desolated part of the Colombian mountains behind. Once again there are plenty of restaurants to choose from. My lunch consisted of grilled pork. I have noticed that they like to add pepper and other spices to their meet around here – the small things you notice when you are travelling slowly from place to place. Also they don’t have an issue serving rice, french fries, and pasta on the same plate. Why not? 🙂
I found a cheap motel next to the road. From my window I could see yet another couple of military guys with machine guns protecting a bridge. I felt safe as I went to bed.