Cycling The Globe

A Cycle Touring Expedition Around The World

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Day 1490, Lomas – Nazca: Virtual Lines

Posted by Thomas Andersen Posted on Oct - 17 - 2014

Distance: 89.25 km
Ride time: 5:03:24
Average: 17.65 km/h
Max speed: 59.64 km/h
Total: 29462 km

My guide books describes Nazca as a sun-bleached spot on the Panamerican highway. I didn’t quite agree with that description as my day started in thick fog and even some light rain. Not that uncomfortable really, but just boring since I couldn’t see any landscape and my MP3 player had run out of battery a few days ago.

10 kilometers before reaching Nazca the sun came out in full force. I was taking off layer by layer of clothes until I was in shorts and T-shirt. The guide book had been right after all.

I have now been cycling for 5 days straight and I thought it was time for a rest day here in Nazca, exactly half way between Arequipa and Lima. I found a cheap hotel room with a fast Wifi connection – a good opportunity to keep up on a few practical things including updating the blog.

Other travellers stop here to see the famous Nazca lines. You can’t see much from the ground, so what people do is to book a 200$ flight in a small airplane that circles over the lines for an hour. I decided that my budget wouldn’t allow for such a flight, so I turned on Google Maps with satellite view instead and had a virtual look at the lines. The views there are probably better than from a Cessna anyway 🙂

Categories: Peru
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