Distance: 109.74 km
Ride time: 5.09.54
Average: 21.24 km/h
Max speed: 43.46 km/h
Total: 31583 km
The border between Peru and Ecuador has a reputation of being one of the most chaotic and dangerous in South America. That was at least what I could read in Lonely Planet and what another traveller had also told. The only thing was that it didn’t turn out to be true at all.
Recently a new, very wide, and very empty highway was build bypassing the chaotic town of Huaquillas. In the new and fancy office buildings getting stamped in and out of the two countries had never been more civilized. Thanks to Ecuador for the free 3 months stamp. Regarding visas, South America is the easiest place I have travelled so far – cycling wise it has very much been the hardest!
I had managed to bypass Huaquillas, the border town with the bad reputation, but now I was hungry and didn’t have any dollars – yes, Ecuador has been using the US dollar since 1999. I then had to do a bit of a loop to get back into town where I managed to change my left-over Peruvian soles and had my first and very tasty lunch in Ecuador.
I could then continue to cycle towards Machala, the banana capital of the world. I passed kilometer after kilometer of banana plantations. This was something new compared the deserts of Peru!
Another difference I noticed is that the accent is different compared to Peru – I really have to concentrate to understand what the people say. I 3rd difference is that you will find African-Americans in the streets here.
I do feel I have come a step closer to the US.